First of all, I can’t believe I explored this beyond comparing the two pictures below. That’s kind of how 99 percent of liberals see unfair advantage and why they want everyone to get a trophy… you know how that goes. Still, something nagged at me about the article I read regarding the lawsuit. I knew there HAD to be more to the story and OH BOY, was there ever! Here’s the scoop… Diane Gross and […] Read the Full Article »
Contractor lawsuit against Trump D.C. hotel for unpaid bills does not add up
I don't remember the last time I read anything on DailyKos. I actually feel like I need to scrub my eyeballs after clicking through to an article that was shared by one of my “extreme liberal” friends (his words). That’s the thing about former Democrats, much like a former smoker who can’t stand being around smoke, I have a difficult time with exposure to liberal ideology and politics. Once I began to see it for […] Read the Full Article »
The Problem is with Radical Islamic Terrorists
I’ve been waiting for someone to secure our borders for a very long time, long before President Obama. Having an open border is a mistake, just watch Europe. If I have to go through fairly rigorous vetting to become a foster parent, people coming from hostile countries, or any country for that matter, should be properly vetted as well. There is nothing wrong with suspending entry into our country temporarily until we can figure out […] Read the Full Article »