ANGRY ABOUT THE RESULT OF THE ELECTION? Well join the REST of America! This WAS the year of the angry voter. The media focused on the agenda they were TOLD to focus on and overlooked REALITY and it backfired on them. Your choice candidate LOST because YOU listened to the media! Wikileaks revealed the polls were OVER-SAMPLED. The media focused so much on pushing the fudged numbers and counted on the voters believing them and […] Read the Full Article »
Henry County Indiana – Who I Voted for and Why
I've had several local people ask about various candidates that appear on our local ballots and to find out what research I have done and who ultimately won my vote. Here is a quick look at who I voted for and a brief explanation of why… please keep in mind, when it comes to my choices, experience does not always equal ability and I am a firm believer in term limits whether it becomes law […] Read the Full Article »
What the Polls Revealed Last Week
A few days BEFORE Comey's announcement, most 53% disagreed with the FBI's decision in July not to indict Clinton for mishandling top secret information. While Clinton, Obama and legislators from both parties have criticized Comey's announcement before the election, 60% of voters APPROVE of what he did. 60% of Likely Voters believe Clinton broke the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State. […] Read the Full Article »