When Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies was first released, the explosive new video from Project Veritas Action that exposes Democratic dirty tricks, and a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign, social media lit UP with calls for media to cover the newly released video which seemed to fall on deaf ears. I had to wonder why – then I SAW why! Media […] Read the Full Article »
Not Before Coffee 2016 Presidential Poll
Please cast your vote in our poll. Participants remain anonymous and we have no way of knowing who votes. Voting is restricted to one time per IP/Cookie to help reduce multiple votes. Although we have no real control over who votes, we prefer you be a registered voter and plan to vote in the upcoming election in November. [poll id=”2″] Read the Full Article »
I Think Hillary Clinton Should Disavow Kim Kardashian and Kenye West
With all the talk Hillary Clinton does about Donald Trump and his womanizing, sexualizing ways – why is it that she is SO fond of Kim Kardashian and Kenye West? Photo from Twitter. First, NO ONE on the planet encourages the sexualization of women like Kim Kardashian, the self proclaimed Queen of Instagram. This screenshot is of her most recent shares on her Instagram account following her personal endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Then there’s Kenye. […] Read the Full Article »