EVERY PARENT with young kids should read this! Keep it and read it often as a reminder! If you want to see an end to over-entitled brats, bullies, and teach your kids how to deal with disappointment, rejection, failure and loss, THIS is a great place to start. I am 1000% convinced that teen suicide, teen (relationship) abuse and even school shootings would drop MASSIVELY *IF ONLY* parents would raise their kids to know they’re […] Read the Full Article »
Obama politicized and weaponized EVERY DEPARTMENT of the U.S.
It’s 40-minutes of MUST WATCH! If you think the Mueller investigation is legit, think again! Obama politicized and weaponized EVERY DEPARTMENT of the U.S. so that if they can’t or don’t win the American people they will steal it with lies, corruption and by destroying INNOCENT PEOPLE! This is EXTREMELY DISTURBING PEOPLE! Sidney Powell exposes DECADES of Mueller/Weissman corruption! I’m just SICK! Mueller and Weissman should be removed! They are incapable of conducting fair and […] Read the Full Article »

Can you see the problem?
IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A SOLUTION THERE NEEDS TO BE A PROBLEM! In MY lifetime alone, I’ve SEEN television go from Lucy and Ricky, Laura and Rob sleeping in twin beds to a “Slingers” party for streaming tv, and a threesome at White Castle! Then, people wonder how society got to be as twisted as it is!?!?! 🙄😣🙄😣 We are constantly being programmed and slowly desensitized to a deteriorating *NORM* because it’s SO much easier […] Read the Full Article »