Dishing on Hillary’s Health, Her Collapse and That Body Double Rumor

I have had several people message me on Facebook, Twitter and through my blog asking what I thought about the “health episode” of Hillary Clinton at the 9/11 Memorial last Sunday. To be perfectly honest, I do NOT think it's an “illness” like many of the rumors claim it to be. I have watched so many videos of her health “moments” that were shared on Facebook and Twitter immediately following the “collapse” and I get […] Read the Full Article »

Indiana Early for Trump Tour – I Was There

  Earlier today, I attended a local Trump/Pence event with a lifelong friend of my family. The event was a very nice-sized meet up of sorts. The Early for Trump Event was hosted by Trump State Chairman Rex Early, Indiana Trump Vice Chairman Tony Samuel, and State GOP Chairman Jeff Cardwell in Greenfield, Indiana, which happened to be their third stop of the day. They are quite ambitious and they’re running an aggressive campaign to […] Read the Full Article »