The ACLU Picked on the Wrong Little Town

knightstown indiana christmas cross aclu rally its a god thing The Knightstown Town Council has tabled a resolution that would permanently ban a cross from being displayed on their town square Christmas tree.

Workers removed the cross earlier this week after the ACLU filed a lawsuit claiming the Christian symbol violates the First Amendment. It has been a controversial decision, with many neighbors and businesses putting out their own crosses in protest.

The town attorney will work with a Christian legal group toward a compromise with the ACLU.

Since the beginning, I have said this is NOT a Knightstown thing, THIS is a GOD thing! As I watch the events unfold each day in my tiny little town, I am more and more convinced, God is in control and everything is going according to his plan.

It all started with townspeople discussing a suitable response that included displaying their own cross. From there, the local Frosty Boy restaurant placed a cross on the front of their building and it took off from there.

With the help of social media, the efforts of locals has gained immeasurable strength and unparalleled support from across the country and from around the globe.


A local hardware began making crosses and setting them out for anyone who needed one. At last count, I heard more than 600 crosses were distributed. People began discussing how they might secure the necessary items to make and distribute more. God heard their hearts and he spoke to the hearts in a tiny town over in neighboring Northeast Ohio. Magnolia, Ohio, with a population of less than 1,000 built 1,000 white crosses and make a drive of more than 4 hours to deliver them.

In March of this year, a group from that mighty little Ohio town began making white crosses to give away at no charge, just like those delivered to Knightstown. According to Patty Yoho, over the last 9 months they have built and gifted more than 26,000 crosses. The Magnolia crosses have been sent all over the USA and as far away as Liberia. How amazing is that?


And the blessings don’t stop there. God has filled the hearts of many locals with the true spirit of giving. On Sunday, December 18th, on the same town square where our Christmas Cross battle began, there will be a rally for the cross and to take up a collection for the family of the man who originally filed the suit.

You see, the man who filed the lawsuit and his father have the same name. When news of the lawsuit first broke, many people thought it was the senior Joseph Tompkins and people weren’t very nice. The father and stepmother do not support the actions of Junior and have responded by putting up their own cross. They haven’t had much of a relationship with junior for a while and had no idea of his plan. The father has terminal lung cancer and all the stress has not been good for him at all. I’m so glad this town is rallying around them and helping deliver a miracle from God as the result of something so sad. For details and contact information on the Matthew 5:40 Movement, Click here


Regardless of where you are, if you would like to put up your own cross in support of Knightstown, there is a page created by a group of locals to share the support, beauty and blessing as the sea of crosses grows. Please visit Knightstown: City of Crosses Facebook page – leave a comment, share your cross or just scroll through the many crosses that are being submitted.


Gayla – follow me @Gayla and on Facebook


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One Response to “The ACLU Picked on the Wrong Little Town”

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  1. Blessings to you and to your town for standing firmly in God!
    Merry Christmas, Knightstown!

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