5 Basic Tips for Dating Success

Most guys make their biggest mistakes either on the first date or before they even get there. Here are 5 basic tips for dating success that’ll take you to that second date.

While I agree with the five points tips this article shares, I have to admit that number five needs to be kept on a short leash. If a guy compliments too much or listens too much, it’s a huge red flag that he’s not being himself.

While I was on the dating scene, I’d much rather date a man who was himself from the start. Not putting his best foot forward so much as putting his true self out in the front where I could get a true sense of who he really was.

I’m sure there are many other tips that daters have to share for success on the first date. What are some of the tips that you found to be most helpful in your dating career?

Technorati Tags: dating,dating tips,successful dating,relationships

About Gayla

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