This is a very important statement posted on Facebook by Scott Baio. I encourage ALL women and Independent voters to listen and REALLY think what your vote could mean for your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. This election is one of the most important EVER. Please vote with your conscience, not your emotions and certainly NOT your gender.
ATTENTION LADIES AND INDEPENDENT VOTERS: Let's just say for arguments sake that all the allegations against Donald Trump are true. Because of that, you vote for Hillary Clinton. And because of that, she becomes President. Once that happens
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about open borders, where drugs and illegal's are coming in here by the THOUSANDS.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about ISIS coming here to our country and killing innocent Americans.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about bad trade deals that are taking jobs out of this country and making other countries richer and making us poorer.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about Obamacare when YOUR premiums go up 30, 40 and 50%.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about the economy which stinks and will only get worse because Hillary Clinton is going to raise taxes and slap more regulations on businesses.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about judges, Supreme Court Judges that she will nominate that will shred the Constitution and will get rid of the 1st and 2nd Amendment which is the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about NONE of it.
YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to complain about lawlessness because YOU OWN IT! YOU OWN ALL OF IT!
You OWN the demise of The United States of America.
So, do us ALL a big favor, STOP voting with your emotions (and gender) and START voting with YOUR HEAD!
Gayla – follow me @Gayla and on Facebook