Unwed fathers have no rights to their children until courts say they do

It’s true in most states. When a child is born, even if the father’s name appears on the birth certificate, the father has no rights to his child(ren) until he files with the court to establish paternity. Once paternity is established, he must file with the courts to establish parenting time. It’s almost as if a secret society operates underground that teaches unwed mothers how to use their children as weapons and/or a career option […] Read the Full Article »

Life is Tough! Suck it up buttercup!

LENGTHY RANT AHEAD: When my boys were 4, I divorced their dad. He was a very nice, likable guy, but FAR from husband/father material. I have remained close to, and LOVE, his family with all my heart. They’ll ALWAYS be my *in-laws*. When I divorced, my boys and I did live at my dads, so I didn’t have the expense of a house payment, but that was the ONLY thing I let my dad provide. […] Read the Full Article »

Your kids should not be the most important in your family

EVERY PARENT with young kids should read this! Keep it and read it often as a reminder! If you want to see an end to over-entitled brats, bullies, and teach your kids how to deal with disappointment, rejection, failure and loss, THIS is a great place to start. I am 1000% convinced that teen suicide, teen (relationship) abuse and even school shootings would drop MASSIVELY *IF ONLY* parents would raise their kids to know they’re […] Read the Full Article »