No Left Turn with Gayla Baer-Taylor Podcast Trailer

Introducing No Left Turn, a podcast from Gayla Baer-Taylor. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts. Don’t miss a single episode. Listen Now: I look forward to hearing from you! Read the Full Article »

Unwed fathers have no rights to their children until courts say they do

It’s true in most states. When a child is born, even if the father’s name appears on the birth certificate, the father has no rights to his child(ren) until he files with the court to establish paternity. Once paternity is established, he must file with the courts to establish parenting time. It’s almost as if a secret society operates underground that teaches unwed mothers how to use their children as weapons and/or a career option […] Read the Full Article »

Can you see the problem?

IN ORDER TO PROVIDE A SOLUTION THERE NEEDS TO BE A PROBLEM! In MY lifetime alone, I’ve SEEN television go from Lucy and Ricky, Laura and Rob sleeping in twin beds to a “Slingers” party for streaming tv, and a threesome at White Castle! Then, people wonder how society got to be as twisted as it is!?!?! 🙄😣🙄😣 We are constantly being programmed and slowly desensitized to a deteriorating *NORM* because it’s SO much easier […] Read the Full Article »