Who not to date and when

We all know there’s a code among girls to not date the ex of a friend.  I’m not sure men really practice this code because I think their moral instinct takes a back seat to their animal instinct. I happened on a tale of a guy who dated a woman a few times and the woman called it quits because the guy she was dating ‘knew’ her ex husband – while he wasn’t friends with […] Read the Full Article »

Is it cheating or flirting?

There are a million articles written that discuss the differences between men and women and how they define cheating. Though I don’t agree with women who consider looking at other women cheating I have to chime in and say, I think it should be considered exactly HOW he’s looking.  Is it glancing?  Is it drooling with the chin in the lap? I was once married to a man who used to point out features he […] Read the Full Article »

16 Worst Pickup Lines

We’ve all heard them. Ask women, they’ll tell you they rarely work and at the very best, they are somewhat entertaining, depending on the contributor – while men on the other hand – well, anyone who can find seduction in a woman rolling paint on the wall, a pickup line is going to be flattering at the very least and quite possibly the first promise of impending passion. Regardless of what anyone says, when shopping […] Read the Full Article »