January 20th – SinkTheCensorShip

Sink the Censor Ship - Social Media Blackout

Join me on January 20, 2021, for a MASS EXIT FROM STATE CONTROLLED SOCIAL MEDIA!

On January 6, I captured and shared a video from the Capital breach that raised questions about what really happened. The video was not violent by any means; in fact, it appeared to be well-planned and orchestrated. I didn't think there was anything wrong with sharing it since it wasn't violent like the most shared clips by major news outlets.

That evening I received a notice from Facebook that my account was being restricted because I had violated their TOS by promoting terrorist activity. A few weeks ago, I was restricted due to “bullying” when I simply responded to a liberal who came to my Facebook post and attacked me. Sure, I called her a bitch, but nothing like the attacks she threw at me.

After three days, I'm fresh out of Facebook Jail, and I AM PISSED!

Because of that restriction, 99% of my posts are visible to FRIENDS only.

I don't let people share my posts. But invite them to copy and paste any post that's still on Facebook.

Every day I cull my friends list a little more, and on January 20, my account, along with my 14-year-old Twitter account, WILL BE EMPTY DEAD ACCOUNTS! To help remove those 30,000 plus tweets, I am using TweetDelete.

Parler is gone because Amazon stripped them of their hosting. Although I'm more than confident, they will be back.

Anyone who supports censorship is no friend of mine. As I cull my friends' list, I am removing and blocking people right and left. Family or not.

While former friends and family members whine and cry over mean Trump and his bully supporters, I'll be kind enough to block, ignore and avoid you as I retire my Facebook and Twitter accounts and move on to fighting for YOUR right to be a dick!

About Gayla

2 Responses to “January 20th – SinkTheCensorShip”

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  1. Michael says:


    I have subscribed to your posts for some time now. In the last six months, maybe a few months longer, your posts have gone farther and farther to the right.

    I am happy for you that you are able to stick to your politics with such enthusiasm. For me however, I feel like another great place to read new ideas is going away.

    Don’t stop what you are posting, Your readership will change with the flow, which is normal. Thank you for some great reads.

    • Gayla says:

      Sorry you feel that way. Over the last several months, I have gotten away from watching any news and take only headlines to do my own research. I wish more people would do the same. I have learned that mainstream media is nothing more than entertainment television and will deliver whatever product their superiors tell them to deliver whether it’s true or not. I hate that my attention has gone away from the things I used to love so much – but if enough of us don’t fight for the truth now, when? It may already be too late. When a government can demand social media throttle, restrict, limit, censor, and remove certain information in favor of another, that IS tyranny. Whether it’s me, you, or whomever, we should NOT EVER sit by and allow that to happen.

      I have had my Twitter account for nearly 14 years. I was part of a beta team that tested Twitter before it was Twitter. I have always posted, maintained my account, and yet I was shadowbanned and labeled a Russian Bot? I have never left the United States. I don’t speak any language but English and I rarely leave the state of Indiana – How is it possible that fact-checkers can label me a Russian Bot? Yes, it makes me angry. I will not sit by and allow this to happen and keep happening without a fight. I don’t want my kids and grandkids to be left with a world where their freedom of speech and thought is controlled by a government that couldn’t care less about them and their families. If more people don’t take that stand now, there will come a day where they sorely regret it.

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