Online dating is one thing – but being lesbian and looking to date online is another. While some of the same precautions that go with mainstream online dating apply, there are additional tips lesbians should consider before applying or responding to that tempting personal ad.
We'll attempt to answer some of the most common questions surrounding online dating as it applies to the lesbian lifestyle.
Where is the best place to meet single lesbians online?
The best place to meet woman online is through Like most mainstream online dating sites, you can tell people how "out" you are. You can also share personal preferences on a variety of topics like whether you smoke or not, your drinking behavior, your political views, and there is a lot of space for you to share in your own words what you are looking for and what you aren't. There have been several people who have reported success finding lesbian love on Yahoo Personals and
What should you consider when placing an ad on a lesbian dating site?
Be positive. Avoid clichés everyone is looking for someone honest and with a good sense of humor! Write an eye-catching title. And, include a picture. Ads with photos get many more hits.
When is it safe to give your phone number out?
Always correspond through email or instant messenger before talking to someone on the phone. You can usually get a sense if I want to continue correspondence after an email or two. I would not give out a phone number until you are actually planning to meet someone.
Where are good places to conduct a first time meeting?
If you both drink, sometimes it’s nice to meet at a cozy bar. Try a casual meeting over coffee or a drink first. You don't want to be stuck having an entire dinner with someone you can't stand to be around after the first 10 minutes. If you don't live in the same town, meet halfway. Always meet at a public place for the first meeting. And be honest! If you don't want to see them again, just tell them that it was nice meeting them, and wish them good luck.
How do you determine if there will be a second date?
Just like any other relationship, you usually know when there is not going to be a second date. Now, there are some people who believe you should always have a second date, because it’s hard to really get a sense of someone in one meeting.
Other dating tips
Get to know the person online first. Ask questions, keep a log, ask the question in various versions to test for truthfulness. Talk on the phone, listen for inconsistencies – if there are none and your gut feeling is telling you to meet this person, go for it!
Be sure to tell a friend or family member of your meeting. Print out the persons profile and leave it on your table along with contact email and phone number of the person. This is always a safety precaution I recommend, lesbian or not.
Now, go have some fun!