Elizabeth Warren in 2004 describes Hillary Clinton is a PUPPET to corporate donors. My how times have changed her. She actually sounds like me in this video interview. Political corruption is a serious disease and with the wrong choices in November, it will cost us our country. How is it that people cannot see what motivates Hillary Clinton is BIG MONEY in DC and NOT the best interest of the American people? People, PLEASE open […] Read the Full Article »
Huffington Post Peddles Half Truths – And The Real Conversation I Had Because of It
Early this morning, I had the following conversation when I noticed someone had shared the following horrible misquote of a Donald Trump tweet that was being distributed by Huffington Post. This conversation is just ONE example of the kinds of misinformation that is being peddled. It's quite disturbing to me. I will refrain from sharing the persons identity and will give this person the benefit of the doubt that It was very early They may […] Read the Full Article »
Hillary Clinton’s BFF Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a MAJOR CROOK
On November 1, 2012, I wrote a post called The Informed Voter’s Guide to Election Day. Looking back, I was seriously drinking the Kool-Aid thinking it was Republican’s that were in bed with the crooks behind Payday Loans. Little did I know, the crookedness crossed party lines and included several corrupt politicians taking the equivalent of bribe money. Today, more than ever, I don’t believe in “Party Politics” anymore. Here’s a portion of what I […] Read the Full Article »