Your first date with someone is always a fun event. You will most likely have a sense of excitement and may even feel slightly nervous when dating someone for the first time. But before the date can happen, you will need to organize it.
Generally, it is the male who organizes the date. Even so, in this day and age, more and more females are starting to take the lead when organizing dates. Depending on how forthcoming your partner is when it comes to giving suggestions or planning the whole date, you may have to take control and plan it out yourself.
If you have taken good steps to think about your first date ahead of time, you are more likely to have a pleasant time when it happens.
Here are a few tips that can get you started on organizing your first date:
1. What to Wear
In terms of what to wear, it is best to get a set of clothing that you can always use on dates. For guys, the safest choice would be to wear a dress shirt with a collar and some nice jeans or chinos. For girls, it would be wearing a nice dress. You don’t have to dress over the top to impress your partner. If you know a little bit about your partner before the date, for instance, how well he or she usually dresses, you can have a better idea on how to match their style. Also make sure that you are clean and have properly brushed and flossed your teeth. You don't want to have anything stuck in between your teeth throughout your entire date.
2. Being Your Best Self
Always observe good manners and good etiquette when you are on your first date. The last thing you would want is for your date to have a bad impression of you because of some pet peeve or bad habit that you have. If you are unsure of some of the bad habits that you have, ask a family member or friend who can be completely honest with you. Once you know the bad habit that you have, be aware of it and make sure you don’t let it show during the date. This is not to hide who you truly are, but to put your best foot forward during your date. You only have one chance to make a good impression and to ensure that you are able to go on future dates after the first one.
3. Venue/Activities
Much thought needs to go into choosing your venue. You will need to think ahead and choose it wisely. You wouldn’t want to end up at a crowded and noisy place where you can’t have a decent chat with your partner. Going for dinner at a quiet and romantic restaurant is the safest choice. You will be able to converse and connect with your partner. Going to the cinema is okay as well, just make sure you plan for some time for talking so that you can get to know your partner afterwards. Don't hesitate to choose a more original and adventurous venue though if you are pretty confident that your partner would be up for it.
Another way to approach this is to ask your partner about the kind of activities he or she may be interested in. Doing something that your partner finds fun will increase the chances of you having a good time and getting a second date.